Exceptional physical therapy clinical results Saratoga and Queensbury NY

Did you know that all of the therapists at Capital Area PT are DPTs (Doctors of Physical Therapy)? This means we have all undergone the highest level of clinic education possible for physical therapists.  See our staff bio page to learn more about our licensed physical therapists:

  • Dr Andrew Gaetano, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS (Malta, Queensbury)
  • Dr Evan Marsh, PT, DPT (Malta)
  • Dr Kate Pratt, PT, DPT (Queensbury)
  • Dr Megan Dodge, PT, DPT (Malta)

In addition to our credentials, our clinic is set up to maximize the time spent with each individual patient at each session, offering one-on-one attention in order to provide the feedback necessary to help patients improve. We expect exceptional clinical results.

Learn more about Capital Area Physical Therapy and Wellness. Call our Malta location  at (518) 289-5242 , or our  Queensbury physical therapy clinic at (518) 502-115 for more information or to schedule an appointment.