by Matt Prager, SPT

Runners running barefoot

What is barefoot running?

Barefoot running is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of running in shoes, people instead run without any footwear. Barefoot running has the potential to change the biomechanics of how we run when compared to traditional or shod running. This method of running might be indicated in certain cases where people who run with shoes are experiencing pain, but it is largely situational.

Some of the potential benefits of barefoot running include the following:

  • May strengthen the muscles of the foot
  • By removing the heel lift in most shoes, it will stretch the Achilles tendon and calf muscle which may lead to reduced injuries
  • It encourages landing on your forefoot as opposed to your heel
  • Helpful in improving balance and coordination

However, there are also some potential negatives:

  • Switching from traditional running to barefoot running too quickly might cause some of the muscles of the feet to feel overworked
  • Running barefoot offers less protection from the environment such as ground debris or ice/snow
  • The formation of blisters or calluses, especially at the beginning of going barefoot

So, is there a definitive answer as to which method of running is inherently better? No, there are positives and negatives associated with both. Choosing the optimal method is usually dependent on the person’s situation. The important thing to note when considering switching over to running barefoot is that you should plan for a slow adaptation period as your feet get used to the change. Rushing right into an intense running program right from traditional running puts you at a higher risk for a potential injury.

Capital Area Physical Therapy offers treatment for all types of foot and ankle pain. If you are experiencing any type of foot ailment or discomfort, call (518) 289-5242 or contact our physical therapy offices in Saratoga – Malta, or Queensbury – Glens Falls to schedule an appointment today.