Neck pain

Headaches, neck pain, and knots can be successfully treated with the right physical therapy at Capital Area PT in Malta and Queensbury NY


Andrew J Gaetano, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS

I’m sure a lot of people have been told they “carry their stress in their neck or upper back”.  It’s true, a lot of patients we see at Capital Area PT mention this to us.  This can contribute to headaches, pain, and leave you feeling wiped out by the end of the day.  The question is, what can you do about it? Massaging the area can be a great temporary solution- and feels great, ask our massage therapists. Sometimes this alone is enough to tackle the problem , other times offers a great short term solution (along with a whole host of other benefits, like relaxation/stress relief, etc). Another temporary solution may be manipulation to the joints around the area- but again, this is something that doesn’t often last. Why?


As a manually trained physical therapist, I can tell you the most important thing about handling long term ‘knots’ in the upper back or neck is variety in how you use your upper body. Utilizing manual therapy like massage, mobilization or manipulation to the area is often times enough to open a window to retrain the area.  This window closes shortly after the technique is done, thus the short term solution that manual therapy can offer. How do you keep this window open longer and longer?


This is what sets our therapy apart- we know how to teach you to retain your body to give it the variety it needs, and can use manual therapy to open the window to get you there.  Our eclectic and specific approach is exactly what most people need to achieve the long term results they want.


Even if you’ve tried therapy before, come see how we are different.

Malta Clinic: 518-289-5242
Queensbury Clinic: 518-289-5242