by Brittany Brooks, SPT

neck pain from postural syndrome

Physical therapy for postural syndrome at Capital Area Physical Therapy in Latham, Saratoga Springs and Queensbury NY.

What is Postural Syndrome?

Posture pertains to a person’s position in space in order to maintain balance. This is a very important component when individuals experience musculoskeletal injury and pain. Postural syndrome occurs when an individual is in a sustained bad posture resulting in strain on joints, muscles, and tendons. “Bad” posture typically includes flexed or hunched postures of the neck and spine. This is very common for individuals who have occupations including heavy lifting, bending, and desk work.

How Does it Affect the Musculoskeletal System?

Hunched postures result in rounding of the shoulders, forward head, and rounding of the thoracic and lumbar spine causing increased forces to musculoskeletal structures. The muscles that control neck and back extension become stretched during prolonged hunching. This leads to decreased strength and control of these muscles, if untreated spinal dysfunction can occur inducing kyphosis and disc related injury.

Other Conditions Caused by Postural Syndrome

Long-term bad posture not only has effects on the musculoskeletal system but can cause digestive issues (i.e., constipation and incontinence). Poor posture can lead to neurological changes, such as sciatica, due to the pressure being put on the spinal cord from spinal structures. Lastly, bad-posture leads to increased compression of thoracic space which can impede breathing and expansion of the thoracic cavity.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Neck and back pain
  • Aching or stiffness surrounding neck and back
  • Hip pain due to increased compensation
  • Pain that subsides during movement or posture correction
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Forward head
  • Kyphosis
  • Headache

Risk factors

  • Sedentary lifestyle or occupation
  • Improper desk mechanics
  • Overweight
  • Genetic and inherited factors

How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Ergonomic Correction: Physical therapists are trained in ergonomics, which means correct positioning of the body during physically demanding or occupational tasks. We can give correct advice and exercise in order to allow correct body positioning and decrease postural deformities.

Stretching: If a patient has a presentation of postural syndrome commonly they will have imbalances of muscular structures. Physical therapists are able to provide manual techniques to stretch muscles that have become tight due to inappropriate resting position.

Strengthening: If someone with postural syndrome presents with tight muscles, most likely the opposite structure will become elongated and weak. Physical therapists are able to give appropriate exercise to target muscles and strengthen them, correcting postural imbalance.

Manual Techniques: Techniques such as joint mobilizations are utilized to correct joint position. Commonly, postural syndrome will cause immobility of the thoracic spine and forward head postures. Physical therapy can be utilized to correct these mobility deficits.

For more information on physical therapy for Postural Syndrome, or if you feel you may be experiencing the symptoms due to occupation or prolonged postures, call 518-289-5242.  Schedule a visit at one of our Capital Area clinics in Queensbury, Malta and Saratoga. Our experience physical therapists