By Bryan Guild, SPT

temporomandibular joint or TMJ

How can a PT assessment and physical therapy for TMJ disorder provide pain relief and improved functionality?

The Tempomandibular Joint

Your jaw, otherwise known as the tempomandibular joint (TMJ) may seem like a simple joint that doesn’t need much attention. However, this joint is actually quite complex, and when we think about how much it is used between talking, chewing, yawning, etc. it becomes apparent that dysfunction may arise.

  • Normally, we should be able to fit 3 fingers between our teeth when we open our mouth to demonstrate functional jaw opening. TMJ disorder may prevent this from happening.
  • TMJ disorder can cause issues beyond just pain in the jaw.
  • It may prevent you from opening your mouth efficiently and can cause headaches, as well as  TMJ ear pain and neck pain
  • TMJ disorder may even contribute to dizziness and affect concentration.
  • Other than these symptoms, signs of TMJ disorder include: clicking/popping when opening and/or closing mouth and deviations of the jaw during opening/closing to either side.

Physical Therapy for TMJ Disorder

Physical therapy can be a useful treatment option to improve the function of this frequently used joint while improving pain and associated symptoms. Treatment at Capital Area Physical Therapy includes a full assessment of the jaw, neck and other surrounding neuromuscular tissue. From here, several manual techniques can be used to alleviate pain and improve motion at the jaw. Exercise to correct deviations or dysfunction at the jaw and neck are also frequently used. Along with this, education about how to prevent TMJ disorder in the future including postural education and independence with exercise allows the patient to restore normal opening at the jaw and alleviate associated symptoms.

Patients being treated for TMJ disorder may request to be treated in a private room or request that their provider wear a mask.

For more information on how Capital Area Physical Therapy can treat TMJ disorder, contact us at 518-289-5242 to schedule an appointment at any of our three physical therapy clinics in Queensbury, Malta and Saratoga NY.
